Planning Applications
ARCHIVE (Selected) Stantonbury Local Centre (Planning Application 20/02159/DISCON) We opposed this application to demolish the Local Centre for an Aldi store because we were concerned about the loss of a local centre and the variety of services that it would provide. The application was approved but Committee accepted our proposal that the future use of the site should be restricted to foodstuffs to protect the interests of the local residents. The Bicycle Wall mural has now been relocated and and conserved by a ceramics specialist. Great Holm Fire Station (Planning Application 23/00915/DISCON) We made representations on the inadequacy of the applicant's Heritage Report following the granting of planning consent to demolish this important building. Milton Keynes East (Planning Application 22/03157/FUL) We have objected to the Council's application to move the Community Hub away from the proposed public transport route but our objection was not accepted. The Point (Planning Application 23/02265/FUL) We have objected to the demolition of this building which is an important part of the heritage of Milton Keynes and we were pleased when our stance was shared by the Planning Committee and the application was refused and the matter has now gone to appeal. Theatre Multi-Storey Car Park (Planning Application 24/00036/FUL) We have objected to the proposed demolition of theCouncil owned car park and its replacement with Build To Rent flats. We think that it is a critical building in an important position in our cultural quarter that should be retained and repurposed in line with the Council's wish to become the "Greenest City On The Planet". Unfortunately our view was not shared by the Planning Committee. |